Open letter to Ms. Najat Vallaud Belkacem, FranceNational Education Minister

Dear Minister,

            A few weeks ago, you announced the integration of ELCO (Teaching languages and cultures of origin) to the education national program in a more regulated environment. Therefore, in the next school year, the languages called “from origin” will become “foreign languages” as well as German, Chinese or Turkish.

We note this progress and believe the ELCO program, designed originally for children of immigrants from the 1970s, is actually exceeded. However, let us, Minister, remember that Amazigh (Berber) children of France have never had the opportunity to learn their mother tongue at school. Indeed, only the Arabic language was proposed by their country of origin.

            However ELCO are based on an EU directive calling on states members to “take appropriate measures to promote teaching children’s their country origin mother tongue and culture”. Mastering the mother tongue is anecessary prerequisite for any second language success. However, the parents of these Amazigh children were Ideologically Arabized and gradually acculturated and are resigned to guide their children to the teaching of the Arabic language that their host country offers them. This paradoxical situation is nevertheless a logical continuation of the Arabizationpolicy orchestrated in the French territory by their origin countriesauthorities and this, for several decades.

In France, this real strategy of manipulation and forced Arabization of Amazigh masses of citizens, was planned and controlled from a distance by the Moroccan state and other countries of North Africa with the complicity of France, a Democratic country supposed to respect human rights, including the right to dignity. This process based on racist and exclusivist ideological orientations towards Amazigh of France, is in fact to actually teach Arabic language to hundreds of thousands of Amazigh in defiance of the their ancestors language and this with the support of French government. The aimed Arabizationpolicy of the France Amazigh children was thoroughly prepared. It is the “FranceArab policy” and economic interests that follow.

            Today, Minister, the inventory is overwhelming: Amazigh’s children are still discriminated, no initiative has been undertaken to enable them to learn their native language, Even if they have the right of learn it in the French school as part of ELCO program. Thousands of college and high school French Amazigho-francophonestudents are still deprived of their legitimate right to learn their mother tongue.

Dear Minister,your announcement, about the teaching of Arabic language in CP (primary school) confirms, once again, the French state will to strengthen its alliance with the Arabo-Islamist regimes of north Africa in general and of Morocco in particular, in so officially declared aim, to more arabizeFrance Amazigh children.

Dear Minister, discard the Amazigh of France from ELCO program in the past, was a first and major mistake and a breach of their legitimate right. Now you are about to commit a second error, irreparable moreover: that hoisting the Arabic language as foreign language in France education and force the Amazigh children to learn it. This decision faces you to a heavy responsibility as the impact of this choice will not fail to lead your country to more conflicts yet.

You knowwell, Minister, that the Amazigh are the first immigrant’s community in France. The Amazigh of Kabylie rank first. Then come the Amazigh of Morocco. Indeed, after the Second World War, France had “wisely” recruited foreign labor in rural areas the most marginalized Amazigh, thereby putting an end to the Amazigh uprisings that threatened the Morocco central power.

            Madame la Ministre, Le rapport officiel du Comité consultatif pour la promotion des langues régionales et de la pluralité linguistique interne, Installé le 6 mars 2013 par la ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Madame Aurélie Filippetti et présidé par Monsieur Rémi Caron, conseiller d’État et ancien préfet, a bien confirmé nos dires et a conclu dans son rapport du 15 Juillet 2013 ce qui suit :

Minister, The official report of the Advisory Committee for the promotion of regional languages and internal diversity linguistic, Installed on March 6, 2013 by the Minister of Culture and Communication, Mrs. AurélieFilippetti and chaired by MrRémi Caron, state advisor and former prefect, has confirmed our statements and concluded in its report of 15 July 2013 that:

  1. The Amazigh language with all its variants (Rif, Chleuh, Kabyle, Mzab, Touareg, Chaoui and others) is the first spoken language in France after French language, with a population of over 2 million speakers.
  2. The classical Arabic language has never been a France regional language.

The France non-territorial languages by number of readers are:


Ignoring this reality, despite opposition criticism, your choice seems to favor the teaching, not of the 2nd language of France, but of classical Arabic language, which is spoken by no French citizen in France and even by any Moroccan citizen and any North Africa citizen, to be considered as a mother tongue!

Millions of people considered Arabs in France and by extension Europe, are in reality Amazigh, who assume their identity or are more or less Arabized with the France help.

Did you know, Minister, that the classical Arabic language had become for the first time in its history, the official language in North Africa through the efforts of colonial France?

Remember, gentlemen of the time ministers and parliament deputy have defined the policy of France in Arabization of Amazigh in Morocco (Robert-Jean LONGUET, Jean PIOT CésarCAMPINCHI, François de TESSAN, Jean LONGUET, Pierre RENAUDEL, Gabriel CUDENET, Gaston BERGERY and others). These illustrious representatives of colonial France have sponsored the FekkihAllal El Fassi, (aged 24then) and its congeners, Omar Abdeljalil Abdelaziz Bendriss Ahmed Cherkaoui, Mohamed Diouri Mohamed Ghazi, Boubker Kadiri Mohammed Lyazidi Mohamed MekkiNaciri and Mohamed Hassan Wazzani. This high patronage committee drafted a document on December1st,1934 where France has clearly explained its Arab policy in North Africa:

  • Enact classical Arabic as an official language in Morocco next to the French,
  • Make Berber language a language of division and stop the France Berber policy,
  • Callon Middle East Muslim teachers to introduce modern education in Moroccan schools,
  • Introduce Arabic language in all education levels including science and technology,
  • Promote the Arab-Muslim culture in all education levels,

If these regrettable facts date back to the early 30s of last century, when the French military troops heavily armed and supported by aviation, yet subjected the Morocco Amazigh tribes, the France of the twenty-first century must finally end its Arab policy.Theresultsof which are disastrous with regard to the language and culture of the hundreds of thousands of secular and Francophiles Amazighs living inthe French territory.

The Amazigh people in Morocco and Algeria through peaceful struggle for 36 years, came to recognize the Amazigh language as an official language in the constitutions of both countries.

Depriving North African immigrant children in France of teaching the Amazigh language, thereby France declares its willingness to continue in defiance of common sense, the Arabization and Islamization of Amazigh living on the French territory.

Minister, when the Amazigh people in North Africa are giving strength and vigor to their anchors, landmarks and cultural and linguistic roots, it is regrettable that France, the country of human rights, continues its Arabization and islamizationpoliticytowardthe Amazigh people.

Awaiting your clear-sighted response, please accept Minister our best regards.


Rabat June 28, 2016

National Federation of AmazighsAssociations in Morocco (FNAA)


FNAA’s association membres

# Region/City Association
1 Agadir Tafoukt Center
2 Agadir Takfarinas
3 Aguelmim Izouran
4 Ait ansar Ait Ansar
5 Alnif Tamount
6 Amzmiz Izouran
7 Amzmiz Taskiwine
8 Azilal Itrane
9 Azilal Tada
10 Azilal Titrit
11 Azilal Réseau TADDA
12 Ben Hsiyya Anya
13 Ben Tayeb Bouya
14 Ben Tayeb Tifawine
15 Ben Tayeb Twiza
16 Bigra Asigle
17 Bouizakaren Anwal Alternatif
18 Bouizakaren Bouizakaren for development
19 Bouizakaren South Space
20 Bouizakaren Iffus Forum
21 Bouizakaren Tafsoute
22 Bouyzakaren South Forum for democracy and human rights
23 Dchaira Igroumaai
24 Dchaira Usman
25 Dchaira Young democrats
26 Dchaira Young alternative Action
27 Demenate Anarouz 
28 Drouich Tawmat
29 Elhajeb Achabar
30 Errachadia Talwat
31 Errachidia Oukit
32 Essaouira Tigzirt
33 Goulmima Oasis melodies
34 Goulmima Tara for tourism
35 Guelmim Izouran
36 Hoceima RIF SIGLO XXI
37 Hoceima Tamazgha
38 Hoceima Tamazgha
39 Hssiya Agrulihssiya
40 Ifrane anti atlas Inbdaden
41 Ifrane anti atlas Young for communication
42 Ifrane anti atlas Taghouni
43 Ijukak Amud
44 Imiougadir Touzounin
45 Imiougadir Tiwizi
46 Imiougadir Association AFRAK
47 Imjjadsidiifni Imazzlen
48 Imjjadd – Tighirt Imazzalen
49 Khmisset Jeunes avocats
50 Khmisset Mohmedelkamel
51 Marrakech Imal
52 Marrakech Teachers of Amazigh language
53 Marrakech Tizilat
54 Midelt Tirssal
55 Mrirt Ait sidi youssef
56 Nador Young Alternatif
57 Nador Fadae
58 Nador Ussan
59 Ouarzazate Tawada
60 Ouarzazate Tendarte
61 Oujda TamountBani
62 Oujda Tihiya
63 Oulmes Itihadboukchmir
64 Rabat Azetta Amazighe
65 Rabat Bougafer
66 Rabat The voice of Amazigh woman
67 Rabat Challa
68 Rabat Darnegh
69 Tahla Adrar
70 Tanalt Tiwizi
71 Tanalt awsat
72 Taza Anir
73 Temara AuzarnImal
74 Temara Teachers of Amazigh language
75 Tiddas ReseauTagourt
76 Tiddas Tagourt Atlas
77 Tighdouine Yagor
78 Tighdouine Imedghas
79 Timoulay TimoulayOufella
80 Tiznit Afoussghofous
81 Tiznit Ajdig
82 Tiznit Amoudaglou
83 Tiznit Tandaft
84 Tiznit Tiwizi
85 Zghanghan Ihdjan


Previous An open letter addressed to each of : Mr. Head of Government and Mr. Minister of Justice and Liberties


The National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco is a non-governmental and independent organization, which works for the promotion of Tamazight

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