Afcad n tmettant n umɣnas Amaziɣ Mass Brahim Axiyat تعزية في وفاة المناضل الأمازيغي ابراهيم أخياط

.   . .   Afcad n tmettant n umɣnas Amaziɣ, Mass Brahim Axiyat S kigan n leɣyar, ilkem aɣd g wammas n umaris afidirali n tfidiralit tanamurt n tmsmunin timaziɣin uneɣmis n tmettant n mass Brahim Axyyaṭ isran ass n 07 furar 2018. Axyyaṭṭ itwassan sg imeɣnas imeqranen n umussu amaziɣ n lmerruk, d yan g […]

Press release, Mogador/Essaouira session The federal council of National federation of Amazigh associations in Morocco (FNAA)

In a global context affected by the ideological and sectarian violence, and in an ambiguous national context with an official recognition of the Amazigh (Berber) language in July 2011, the Amazigh identity has not seen any positive change. Worse, the governmental actor’s actions tend towards extremism, intolerance and racism consecration.             In Hospitality of Tigzirt […]


The National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco is a non-governmental and independent organization, which works for the promotion of Tamazight

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