In a global context affected by the ideological and sectarian violence, and in an ambiguous national context with an official recognition of the Amazigh (Berber) language in July 2011, the Amazigh identity has not seen any positive change. Worse, the governmental actor’s actions tend towards extremism, intolerance and racism consecration. In Hospitality of Tigzirt […]
Dear Minister, A few weeks ago, you announced the integration of ELCO (Teaching languages and cultures of origin) to the education national program in a more regulated environment. Therefore, in the next school year, the languages called “from origin” will become “foreign languages” as well as German, Chinese or Turkish. We note this progress […]
Topic: Protest against the administrative and judicial police violation of the right to belief in Salé and Guelmim cities Messrs. Ministers: As part of its duties to promote and protect human rights and the rights of peoples, as mentioned in the international conventions of human rights related to its powers, the National Federation of Amazigh […]
إن المكتب الفيدرالي للفدرالية الوطنية للجمعيات الأمازيغية بالمغرب، وعلى ضوء الوقوف بما لا يداع مجالا للشك على اقدام حزب العدالة والتنمية وجناحه الدعوي حركة التوحيد والإصلاح وبمحض ارادتهم على لعب الأدوار الحربية التي كان يلعبها التيار القومي العربي بعد قرار هدا الأخير العدول عن محاربة الامازيغ، فان المكتب الفدرالي وبعد وقوفه واستحضاره ل: موقف […]