Press release about the death of the little “Idya” in Tinghir town

National federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco

press release about the death of the little “Idya” in Tinghir town

Imider, Omar Khaleq, Bayjjou, Mohssine Fikri … all of them are contempt martyrs


The Federal Office of the National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco (FNAA) had followed with great concern the tragic and horrible death of the two-year-old girl called “Idya” “In the south-east of Morocco, after being subjected to physical damage caused by a normal near her house. She was picked-up by her parents to the nearest hospital located at 20 kilometers in Tinghrir town. But not equipped, the hospital official advised the family to take their child to another hospital in the city of Errachidia, 144 km, far. In his turn, not also equipped with skull scanner radio, the parents were advised to continue their trip 364 km more to the third hospital in Fes town. This last one is equipped, because it is located in the useful Morocco. At the end, “Idya” has traveled with her parents 608 km on useless transport and fragile roads and the diagnosis shows a small fracture in her skull that led to cerebral hemorrhage. She lost her last breath and delivered her soul in the capital of the useful Morocco.

After the federal office evocation of :

  • The little “Idya” issue, is only one of the millions cases, experienced by Moroccans all over the forgotten Morocco every day and for more than 60 years,
  • The fact that the case has exactly summed up the meaning of marginalization, impoverishment and the contempt policy, a policy that was established against Moroccans in deep Morocco as punishment for resisting the French and Spanish colonialists,
  • Continuation of this policy to the day and its latest episodes is the decision of the President of the Regional Council of “Idya”’s region, member of the Islamic trend who are against Amazigh rights, to spend the budget council in high-wheel-drive cars instead of equipping and building hospitals for the children of Assou Oubasslam, hero of the resistance,
  • The political symbol of a little child in need of Skull Scanner Radio, obliged to travel 608km all over the hospitals of colonial resistance country in South-East, but she found it only in the city of Fez, which welcomed France and signed the Treaty of colonization of Morocco on March 30, 1912,
  • The common link between the marginalization & contempt degree and the historical speech load of the nationalist movement leader, Allal El Fassi, when he said in his party in 1957: “Brothers, the evacuation of the French army has taken place, and the evacuation of American bases on the horizon, but the big problem is how can these Berbers be evacuated?”
  • “Idya” issue is the result of a series of public policies adopted and dedicated to the marginalization and contempt of Amazigh and their culture in various regions of Morocco, including “Idya”’s Bougafer area,
  • “Idya” contempt martyr is another aspect of the global contempt issue, which we can find in “Imider” case, where the inhabitants held in the Mount Alban for nearly 5 years, the longest sit-in in the history of Morocco, but neither the government nor the Moroccan stat care about them.
  • The blatant contrast between the level of Amazigh sacrifices against the French and Spanish colonialists and the degree of their marginalization in the cultural and economic marginalization of the post-independence state,

Accordingly, the Federal Office of the National Federation of Amazigh Associations (FNAA) :

  1. Considers the contempt & marginalization policy a deliberate policy and a crime. It is necessary to cut with it and to open a reconciliation and equity  project with the Amazigh people which will include both the cultural, economic, social, historical and linguistic level.
  2. Calls upon the state to rewrite the history of Morocco in a way that will make Morocco proud of its African depth and its Mediterranean dimensions.
  3. Calls upon the Moroccan government to allocate a special budget, to be execute in tracking and partnership of civil society, to redress the damage caused to Amazigh people by the state contempt policy.
  4. Appeals to the Rif civil society to more long effort in order to rehabilitate those who gave their blood in the battle of Anoual.
  5. Appeals to the Amazigh organizations to go in the streets on April 23th, 2017 in Rabat to hear the contempt voice.

On behalf of National Federation of Amazigh Association Executive committee

Rabat April 12, 2017

Previous The National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco denounces the terrorist attack perpetrated against innocent civilians in Berlin, Germany


The National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco is a non-governmental and independent organization, which works for the promotion of Tamazight

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